Saturday, October 13, 2007

Our friend Johnnie

I meet Johnnie in 1979 when Paul and I started dating. While he started out as Paul's friend, John and I became good friends right away and remained close throughout the years.

Johnnie's killer smile, sense of humor and crazy antics are legendary. He was constantly trying to talk us into some new adventure or telling us the details of what happened with someone else.

Through the years our bodies were in different places, but our hearts were always connected. No matter how much time had passed we were always ready to share and catch-up as if we had seen each other the day before.

During those visits, phone calls and emails, John never failed to tell me how much he loved Paul and I, and how important our friendship was, and we would always tell him that we felt the same and meant every word of it.

I am honored to call John Anthony one of my closest friends, a man of his word, a kind man, a man who wasn't afraid to say he loved you...a true friend.


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